Kasinan Investments is a Ugandan registered company duly incorporated in 2016 the month of July under the Companies Act and approved to deal in construction
To be the leading Construction company in offering quality services. To create sustainable wealth through effective and reliable delivery of quality and affordable products and services.
Having a client centric operating model, Kasinan Investments will always go and extra mile to meet and exceed client expectations by providing world-class quality services that combine performance with value pricing.
Core Values
- Integrity
- Quality
- Fairness
- Service Excellency
- Discipline
-To provide quality services exceeding the expectations of our clients
-To plan, develop, implement, maintain and continuously improving quality management systems in the company.
Customer Service
This involves successful implementation of all activities mentioned hereafter in order provide the necessary level of customer satisfaction at the lowest possible cost. We are cognizant that each component affects whether a customer receives the right product at the right place, in the right condition, for the right cost.